Tuesday's Natural Dog Company started all because of a rescue dog named Tuesday, so we have a special place in our hearts for rescue dogs.
We regularly donate large quantities of treats and chews to local and national dog rescues. We believe that natural chews and treats can help improve the quality of life for dogs by providing mental enrichment and opportunities for positive interactions from humans - this is especially important for dogs who don't have their own family yet.
One of our key missions is to help pets and people thrive. Let us know if you have other suggestions on ways that we can contribute to the pets and people in our community!
Recent Donations:
Douglas County Animal Services in Gardnerville, NV
Keno's Animal Sanctuary in Luzurne County, PA
Community Animal Rescue & Adoptions in Jackson, MS
Big Bones Canine Rescue in Windsor, CO
4 Paws Pet Pantry in Fort Collins, CO
Animal House Rescue in Fort Collins, CO
Mainely Mutts Animal Rescue in Eliot, ME
Intermountain Humane Society in Pine, CO
Evergreen Animal Protective League in Evergreen, CO
Pixie Project in Portland, OR
Cheyenne Animal Shelter in Cheyenne, WY
Recent Sponsorships:
Paws on the Promenade (Larimer Humane Society)
Thank You Letters:
Oh my goodness! Did you overhear me telling our staff the other day that I don’t know what we’re doing to do when our supply is gone??? Gosh, we are getting very low, and just last Saturday, I was telling our people that I didn’t know what we were going to do when these are gone. We now have a shelter full of rotten dogs! They literally turn their noses up at Milkbones now! Not to mention, many of those treats we use for enrichment, which is so crucial in a shelter environment, and you guys have been such a HUGE blessing to us!!
I am so humbled by the generosity shown by you guys. Reading your email gives me an extra bit of faith in humanity, and I promise you... Down here, that is sometimes such a struggle. I literally cannot thank you all enough. No how, no way.
I will email you the receipt I always send as soon as we get them. With everything I have, THANK YOU!!!!
Valerie H.
Wow!! Thank you very much. Most companies say they donate to the animals but then never do. Your company and products look awesome and I will be sure to mention you guys on Social media!
Keno's Animal Sanctuary
I wanted to share with you a few pictures (not the best quality as they are pictures from a drool worthy video) of “Rocky” enjoying his trachea treat you sent! You have no idea many CARA shelter dogs like Rocky were thrilled to receive these goodies! Thank you again!
Kristie D.
Mainely Mutts Animal Rescue
I was away on a long vacation when the boxes were delivered to my home, and I felt like a child at Christmas when I returned home and saw those boxes! No way to describe to you how very much our shelter pups LOVED those treats! The only downside is that where they used to be totally happy with being given a Milkbone, now they look at us like we're crazy when we try to give them those. Haha! Doesn't take long to spoil those babies, that's for sure.
Dan, in our world, and sadly, we don't always get to see the good in people. We deal with so much down here in the South. But to connect with someone like you is such an uplift. We truly can never thank you enough for your support of our sweet pups. And that comes directly from the heart.
Thank you, again, so much for your support. Stay well and have a great week!
Valerie H.
CARA Board Chair
Thank-you for your
donation to IMHS in Pine, CO. Nancy had asked me to send
some photos of the dogs and cats at IMHS. If anyone is interested in adopting these wonderful guys, just let Nancy or call IMHS at
303-838-2668 to see if they are still available. Thanks again. We have tons more photos if you want anymore.
All of our dogs really enjoyed getting a special treat! Thank you so much for sending the bully sticks.
Niki R.
Cheyenne Animal Shelter
Thank you again for all of the goodies! As you can see, world's-cutest-puppy Israel sends along his appreciation as well! It's been amazing to have special treats to give out to the dogs that are still at the shelter over the holidays. Please pass our thanks along to your team--it really means a lot when a great company like yours goes out of their way to help homeless animals!

With our most sincere thanks,