Keep your dog busy with these tasty, natural chews!

Assorted Beef Tendons - 8 oz
  • $19.95
12" Tremenda Tough Sticks - 8 oz
  • $25.99


Ostrich Tendon Mix - 6 oz
  • $44.90
  • $33.62
6" Tremenda Chewy Bull - 4 Pack
  • $18.99
Beef Gullet Strips - 6 oz
  • $14.99
6" Braided Gullet Sticks - 4 Pack
  • $18.99
Ostrich Meat Chips - 2.5 oz
  • $12.37
12" Tremenda Chewy Bull - 2 Pack
  • $18.99


See what Tuesday's Natural Dog Pack has to say about our treats and chews!

As a Westie, Buster loves to watch TV, and needs something to munch on that allows him to focus on the television. We have other types of chews, but eventually Buster tires of them. Your bully sticks seem to NEVER bore him. @busterwestiema


Tuesday's Natural Dog Company Bully Sticks: much tastier than my human's shoes!


I’m no bully...but I love Tuesday's Natural Dog sticks!


Shazam & Moxie love your treats especially tripe sticks, bullys, gullet sticks, tendons & tracheas. I love them b/c I know they are healthy & safe for my dogs. @shazamdog

Shazam and Moxie

This is Charlie.. Nothing  makes her happier when we come home with her bully sticks.. She will beg, borrow (has been known to chew on her buddies and give it back) and steal ( Also has been known not to give it back) for these... @charliegurrrl


Finn (my black poodle) and DarbyDan (little brother) go through lots of Tuesday's Natural Dog Company’s odor free, non staining bully sticks. We buy them by the case! All we have to say is “Do you want a chewy chewy?” and they come running! We have new carpet so we’re very careful about what they get to chew in the house. Thank you for making such a good product. There are often 4-5 around the house but for whatever reason they most often like to chew on the same one! 

Finn and Darby

Bentley came from a tough start of being mainly left in a crate and not exposed to much. So as he has been integrating in to our home he’s been have been and exciting “firsts” and we’ve been gaining his trust. This morning’s lesson was “yummy chewies”. Our other two dogs LOVE everything from Tuesday's Natural Dog so it was Bentley’s turn to see why!  At first he played with it and then really got in to it.  He was so focused and seemed in doggy heaven once he really got to chewing. He looked for more when he was done :) I love that the chews are safe, tasty, good for their teeth and responsibly sourced to boot! 


I get my Doberman treats from Bringhurst Meats in Winslow NJ. I feed Raw so am really fussy ...she loves your products!


Just a quick message to let you know how much our Wheaten boy Thor LOVES your gullet sticks!! Thank you for providing a safe treat for our boy to get his chewing impulses out on!


Thank you for making such a delicious treat for Mimi, a 3 year old toy poodle who is the finickiest dog ever! I got a sample of your beef treats at the Pet Pantry Warehouse in Larchmont and she loved it!
